Or should that be W.I.S.E??? I thought it would be fun to go through Folksy and look for great pieces from all over this creative island of ours. We still have traditions running throughout the whole of the UK from The Orkney's to Cornwall and Newcastle through to Llandudno and Belfast - it's great to see that they are thriving in all their various ways.I also enjoy seeing traditional materials also being used in a more contemporary way which, hopefully, will encourage these crafts to continue.
David Blyth
Little wren cards
Cornish Slate Crafts
Lynsey Hunter
Gipsy's Boutique
Mark Seaton Studio
Driftwood Designs Ireland
Nadine Arbuthnot Adornment
The Crafty Little Cottage
earthdevaWe have some really talented people in the UK and there's even more on Folksy itself so it's well worth a visit!

Labels: Art, England, Ireland, Jay Anderson, Makers, Redroaddesign, Scotland, Wales
Spring is my favourite time of year - the lambs are bouncing, the trees are budding, the days are growing warmer, and even the rain (when it invariably falls) seems gentle and kind by comparison to the harshness of winter. So here's a selection of some beautiful items which sum up this lovely time of year for me.
Splash of Rain - Silky Baby alpaca laceweight yarn by Abstract Cat Crafts
Rain Cloud Necklace by Killer Cupcake
Singing in the Rain Necklace by Boho Boutique
Azure Splash... A Handmade Ceramic Brooch by H B Ceramics
Vintage Buttons Rain Boots - Sew Cute by Asking For Trouble
Spring Greens Mini Bunting by says alice
Spring is in the air - Citrine Nugget and Sterling Silver Necklace by Tania Covo Designs

Labels: April Showers, Quernus Crafts
As a bit of a sci-fi geek (a dedicated Browncoat, amongst other things) I was shocked to discover that Cthulhu's had completely passed me by. For those uninitiated into this global geek cult a Cthulhu is a squid like creature created in the fantasy works of H.P.Lovecraft in 1926. But in modern sci-fi has become a jokey euphemism for horror and evil on a great scale. A recent Neil Gaiman short story piqued my curiosity even more.Cthulhu created a mini trend in the world of crafts, with squid and octopus creations becoming extremely popular in amigurumi and jewellery. Which led me to discover these cephalopod inspired creations on Folksy.First up is a stunning print from I Like It I Think Its Nice. The detail in this print is quite outstanding, and wonderfully fantastical at the same time.
Here's some of that famous Octopus jewellery I mentioned, this one's on a lovely gold plated chain from Laura's Jewellery.
As a lover of all things laser cut (I've even dabbled a little myself) this piece really stood out for me. Mirrored purple acrylic, with a delicate engraving, and Czech glass ink drops, lovely work from Tea Stained Jewellery.
Although these little Jellyfish are not cephalopods, their little tentacles were too cute to be left out. Snap one up from Orangefishy Plush.
Wear your Octopus love on your sleeve! Well, your hem if you buy this snappy t-shirt from Conkerlove. Loving the button eyes.
Create your own under sea imaginary adventure with these Octopus finger puppets from MuNGBEANS. Or you could just wear them whilst reading a Cthulhu novel.
Its amigurumi time from Ali's Crafts, a cute little child safe critter handmade with loving care.
And finally, the more deadly side of Octopi in this recycled card depicting the venomous Blue Ringed Octopus. Wonderful hand stitched detail from Ethel & Iris.
A slightly odd inspiration for this article, but I hope you've enjoyed reading it, and are now aware of the Cult of Cthulhu!P.S. I hope you're having a Happy New Year too.

Labels: Amigurumi, Cthulhu, Jewellery, Octopus, Print, Squid, Uk
argh!!! ........ Christmas!!!! I don't like to see the shops with goodies till about Christmas Eve. Only kidding! But now's the time to get that special, handmade, unique, one of a kind present for all the family. I think it makes it more thoughtful and precious to receive one that's been thought through and not bought at the last moment when M & S are about to shut their doors.That's why it really does need a little forward planning (as we all know) and a bit more time to get that special gift sent to you. So now's about the right time and I hope these sweet items will tickle your fancy.... or your mum .. or your Auntie Jean ... or cousin Carol!
The Whistling Cowgirl
Brushes and Bodkins
Red Brick Glass
Quernus Crafts
Funky Shoes
Aleximo Croissant
Max and Molly Designs
Fortune Favours the Brave
Rachel HendersonSo don't delay and get your orders in on time - you won't be disappointed!

Labels: Christmas, Christmas Decorations, Green, Jay Anderson, Ooak, Party, Presents, Red, Redroaddesign, Xmas Theme
finds itself a little behind schedule today...for which it can only apologise profusely and explain that this particular FOF writer is housebound and more or less uselessly lying about the place, streaming with cold. It's no fun. It reminds me that winter is around the corner and with it probably more colds, more days spent chilled to the bone, or raging with fever, sneezing and coughing and blurry eyes watering. Inspiration is not far away however and, given that I have been listlessly gazing at four walls for days, all I can think of is comfort and warmth and house and home. So here we are. How can Folksy help me through this most troubling of times? Well, let's see!
If you have to be surrounded by a hundred tissues at all times, then you might as well try to enjoy it. Stuff a few of them into a cute little tartan and doggie button holder like this fun one, by DIVINEARTS.
Keeping warm is essential. Cuddle up to this beautifully cable-knitted, teal coloured hottie by cushions and cosies.
Then snuggle under this painstakingly patched quilt by Quilt Obsession. You may never want to get out of bed again!
It's very easy to feel selfish when you feel under the weather. But think about others...and other creatures....when the weather starts to get colder. Birds will love this little home by London Clay Birds.
And it's not only the birds that need a place to stay. Wudwerx make homes for wild little creatures. This hedgehog house is great...and they do a premium version too. Ooh la la! As Wudwerx says, it's only for the most discerning of hedgehogs.
Keep your essential gadgets close to hand - your phone or iPod - in this delightfully embroidered and appliqued felt cosy by suezybees.
Catch up on some card sending while you recuperate. This is a lovely, handmade, birdhouse shaped new home card by pollypurplehorse.
If you do manage to drag yourself from under Quilt Obsession's cosy quilt, you could have yourself a relaxing hot bath and pop one of these cold and flu relief bath bombs under the running water. Containing eucalyptus, camphor and tea tree, just the thought of it makes me feel better already! Made by Posh Brats Bath and Body Boutique.
Let's end on a very cheery note, with this fun, bright Dala House giclee print by Lucy Cunsolo. I'd love to live in a house like this! Then I'm quite certain I'd always be healthy and happy. I'll bet no one gets a cold in this house. Ta ta for now....Keep healthy! Atchoo!

Labels: Autumn, Bath Bomb, Bird House, Blanket, Colds, Cosy, Giclee, Hedgehog House, Ipod, Patchwork, The Whistling Cowgirl, Tissue Holder, Winter